Tuesday 7 March 2017



'Eye strain' is a term commonly used for reffering to a number of symptoms which may occur along with eye irritation. Eye strain is known as 'Asthenopia' in medical language. Eye strain seems to be a common rising issue amongst the masses but it is not a disorder or eye disease. 

Eye strains is most common amongst people having jobs or doing activities that require continuous use of eye muscles such as driving, writing or reading on computers. Beside that the young masses develops this problem due to excessive use of smartphones, computers and prolong watching of television. Eye strain can be uncomfortable but it is not severe. It may go away after relaxation of your eye muscles for a while.




This conditions has some non specific symptoms which may occur simulateously. Eye strain may be characterised by:

  • Headache

  • Dryness or watering of eyes

  • Eye irritation

  • Blur or double vision 

  • Trouble focusing

  • Neck and back pain

  • Increased senstivity to light

Headache is the most common symptom that occurs. The pain may be in both temples and is mostly mild. The pain can be easily relived by stopping the visual task. While on the otherhand headache is not a symptom in children under 12 years age along with eye fatigue, so if one complains so they must be having an underlying eye condition. Sometimes eye strain itself is a symptom of an underlying eye disease or disorder which maybe needs treatment.

These symptoms lower your standards of productivity. The symptoms may worsen if you are awake for a long time or do not get sufficent sleep. Sleep refreshes the eye with essential nutrients and lack of sleep can lead to eye irritation.







There may be various reasons which may cause the condition of eye strain.


  1. Eye strain is commonly caused in people who have jobs which require constant or continuous use of computers or video monitors. The extended use of computers lead to decrease in number of blinking of eye which may cause dryness or soreness of eyes and one may blink several times to get rid of the irrtating and uncomfortable state. The condition may be worsened if the monitor is below or above the eye level and the person needs to stress his eye muscles to focus on the screen and on the other hand it may also lead to the pain in neck or back. If the lightening in the room is dim that may also worsen the condition. Opthalmologist term this condition as 'COMPUTER VISION SYNDROME' (CVS).

  1. In teenagers eye strain is also a common issue as they tend to use smartphones or digital devices for a prolong period of time. The root cause remain the same for this as well. Study shows that in a normal condition a person blinks his eyes for approximately 18 times a minute while using a digital device person may blink his eyes for almost half times the normal. This condition is known as 'DIGITAL EYE SYNDROME.'



3. Eye strain maybe caused due to a refractive error (Ametropia) such as :

MYOPIA- near sightedness

HYPEROPIA(hypermetropia)- far sightedness

ASTIGMATISM- the curvature of cornea is not spherical

In any of the above cases one simply needs to wear glasses for near or distant blur vision or maybe both.


Eye strain is diagnosed by the physician on the basis of patients history and the information provided by the patient. There are no specific test to diagnose eye strain. There no particular tools to measure the degree of eye strain as well. Then the physician checks that if the eye strain is a symptom for any eye disease or not.



The computer or video monitor users can use 20-20 rule. This rule suggests that after working on the computer for 20 minutes the person should take a break of 20 seconds and look into the horizon or 20 feet away and then continue back with his work. This relaxes the eye muscles and do not let them to become fatigue.

People who at their work places use computers should always keep the computers 20-26 inches away from their eyes and must make sure that the top of screen is not higher than their eye level but it can be slightly lower than their eye level. They can also use glare filter for their screen. 

They can chose screens which can tilt and is adjustable.


Adjust your light to maximized illimunation and minimized glare.

A person can also consiously blink a few extra times to avoid blur vision.

Rotating your fingers on your temples can relief the strain in eye muscles and provide comfort.

A person can setup a daily eye care routine such as using a washcloth soaked in warm water over tired and dry closed eyes.

A person can use artifical tears to refresh their eyes when they feel dry.

Eye strain is not a severe condition and is common these days. It can be avoided or relived by taking measures that are mentioned above.